If the p-value (for the slope) on a regression printout = 0.00001 then
a. p<0 .05="" a="" and="" at="" being="" can="" conclude="" correlation="" error="" good="" have="" in="" is="" it="" least="" like="" line.="" looks="" not="" of="" p="" predictor="" regression="" s="" safely="" sampling="" shown="" slope="" so="" that="" the="" we="" y="">b. p<0 .05="" a="" have="" it="" like="" looks="" of="" p="" poor="" predictor="" so="" we="" y.="">
Answer: a. p<0 .05="" a="" and="" at="" being="" can="" conclude="" correlation="" error="" good="" have="" in="" is="" it="" least="" like="" line.="" looks="" not="" of="" p="" predictor="" regression="" s="" safely="" sampling="" shown="" slope="" so="" that="" the="" we="" y="">